Saint George and the Dragon: A Poem Pt. 1
A narrative poem in parts celebrating the beloved saint
Courage and Bravery
Today I will be sharing the beginning of a narrative poem telling a story from the life of Saint George in which the saint encounters and defeats a dragon.
Saint George and the Dragon has been a popular story around our house lately. Our kids love to listen to the story and marvel at the courage and bravery of St. George as he faces and defeats the dragon. We rejoice together when good triumphs over evil and find strength in reading about the faith and selflessness of Saint George.
I'll share one section of the poem at a time until the story is complete. If you've ever read serialized fiction, this structure may be familiar. At the end, I'll combine all of the pieces together into one poem. I’m excited to see where the poem leads!
Writing about Saint George has been a wonderful opportunity for me to get to know this beloved saint better1. I’m looking forward to sharing the remainder of the poem with you. I pray you will be blessed by this series of poems!
Saint George and the Dragon - Pt. 1

In the days after the Word ascended enfleshed Signs and wonders spread from east to west I, too, witnessed the courage and valor true Of the saintly George against the serpent he slew I heard the whispers as they slithered "It lurks in waters dark and bitter Veiling the shore with vile foul air To devour all who dare draw near." Terror crept from the edge of the village As a thief moves at night to claim his pillage First one then more were taken to the deep Leaving widows to mourn and loudly weep
Thank you for reading!
I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on today’s poem. As always, I’m grateful for your support.
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
I love this one! Can't wait to see the next installment.
I like it already!! My husband's patron is St. George so we look forward to see this unfold.