A Sneak Peek
Ancient Faith Kids1 shared a preview of one of the illustrations for Goodnight, Child of God on their Facebook page last week! It was truly humbling to see how excited people are for the book and I was really moved by the comments on the post. My prayer is Goodnight, Child of God will be a blessing to families and inspire peace and hope within the hearts of children.
While you are there, please share the post and let your friends know they can subscribe to Marvelous Wonders to receive the latest updates on Goodnight, Child of God! I am not on social media (except for LinkedIn) and would greatly appreciate your help to spread the word about the book and this newsletter.
The Church is the Ark of Salvation
One image that is often used to describe Christ’s Church is the Ark built by Noah. Just as God’s people went into the Ark to escape the flood, we find shelter, hope and salvation within the Church in the midst of the storm. The waters rise and it seems as though death and evil will surely prevail, but the Lord commands the wind and waves to be still, and peace descends into our hearts.
St. John Chrysostom makes the connection clearly:
“The narrative of the Flood is a mystery, and its details are a type of things to come. The ark is the Church; Noah is Christ; the dove, the Holy Spirit; the olive branch, the divine goodness. As in the midst of the sea, the ark protected those who were within it, so the Church saves those who are saved.”
St. John Chrysostom, Homily on Lazarus 6
God grant us peace!
The Ark
Hold fast and grasp among swirling waves To this Ark withstanding the stormy gales Let heart and mouth sing aloud with praise Though raging waters below threaten hell
Thank you for reading!
Happy Father’s Day! I pray you have a blessed weekend celebrating and giving thanks for the men in your life who have taken up the important role of fatherhood.
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
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A division of Ancient Faith Ministries