The Chariot of Fire
I am taking a break this week from the series of poems telling the story of St. George and the Dragon. Instead, I’ll be sharing a poetic interpretation of specific events spanning throughout the Holy Scriptures as an exploration of the interconnectedness of three different saints.
Today’s poem was in part inspired by a detail I noticed in the Orthodox icon of St. Elijah being taken into heaven upon a chariot of fire.1 I noticed the presence of the Archangel Gabriel within the icon and began to think about and research the connections between St. Elijah and the Archangel. Within the scriptures, the lives of St. Elijah and St. John the Forerunner and Baptist are also clearly intertwined and, in the beginning of the gospel, the Archangel Gabriel appears in the visitation to the parents of St. John.
Written from the perspective of the Archangel Gabriel, today’s poem threads elements and events from the lives of these saints together.
Are there other connections I missed? Please let me know in the comments. I would love to learn more about these saints.
Gabriel’s Message to Elijah
Come hastily Elijah to heaven ascend Do not now tarry for your friends Let your prophet's mantle fall below For on another shall it be bestowed To Zachariah the Priest I will appear Heralding the birth of a son draws near Who with raiment of hair upon his chest Prophesy with cries in the wilderness Going before the Christ to Sheol's deep To proclaim to the captives there asleep The One transfigured on Tabor's heights Comes to fill darkest death with glorious light Then blasts from my trumpets shall resound All shall stand arising up from the ground Then cry Elijah "Prepare the way of the Lord" Who comes upon clouds to reveal by His Word
Thank you for reading!
We’re getting closer to the release of Goodnight, Child of God! I am awaiting to hear the official release date but will share it as soon as I find out. I’ll be sending more frequent updates and news via this newsletter as we get closer to the launch.
Exciting things are ahead! Stay tuned.
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
Beautiful poem Drew...Happy New Year! May it be a blessed one for you and yours.
"Going before the Christ to Sheol's deep
To proclaim to the captives there asleep"
Harkens me back to the Harrowing of Hell. Very very evocative Drew. I'm saving this one.