Goodnight, Child of God Updates
Illustrator reveal + Why I wrote the book+ Projected publication date
All About Goodnight, Child of God
As promised, this week’s post is all about Goodnight, Child of God, the story behind the book and other exciting updates! I’m taking a break from sharing a poem this week, but I hope you enjoy learning more about the book as we take a behind the scenes look!
If this is your first time reading this newsletter, welcome! Be sure to say hello in the comments.
Here’s what to expect in today’s newsletter:
About Goodnight, Child of God
Introducing the illustrator
Book project timeline
Why I wrote Goodnight, Child of God and a little about my journey as a writer
I’m grateful you’re here. Let’s dive in!
About Goodnight, Child of God
From the catalog description for the book:
Goodnight, Child of God is a bedtime book revealing the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven all around us. The poetic text surrounds children as they drift to sleep, cradled in the peace and love of God. Enjoy this calming bedtime companion on the journey to sweet dreams.
Introducing the Illustrator for Goodnight, Child of God
I’m delighted to share the illustrator for Goodnight, Child of God is Olga Shalamova of Sacred Murals! Olga is an internationally acclaimed iconographer, and I am humbled to have such a talented individual create the illustrations for the book. I’ve seen the final illustrations and they are beautiful. They so wonderfully capture the truths I sought to describe in the text.
Be sure to check out Sacred Murals Instagram account to see some of their most recent work.
Book Project Timeline
Summer 2015 - A passion for creative and light-bearing works is reignited within my heart.
Fall 2018 - I begin writing Goodnight, Child of God (and a couple of other books) when our first child is a few months old.
February 2020 - I submit my first book proposal to Ancient Faith Publishing. It was later (kindly) rejected with constructive feedback.
November 2020 - I submit a second book proposal to Ancient Faith Publishing. It was also later (kindly) rejected with constructive feedback.
May 2021 - Proposal for Goodnight, Child of God is submitted to Ancient Faith.
November 2021 - Goodnight, Child of God is accepted for publication! Glory to God!
June 2022 - A project launch call is held to go over the editing process and projected timeline.
August 2022 - Editing process begins
October 2022 - Editing continues and the best version of the text begins to shine through!
January 2023 - The illustrator for the project is selected - Olga Shalamova!
April 2023 - Illustrations are finalized, and the very last changes are made to the text.
May 2023 (projected) - Goodnight, Child of God is sent to print
October 2023 (projected) - Book is available and a launch event is held to celebrate!
Why I wrote Goodnight, Child of God
I’ve almost always been a writer. My parents instilled a deep love of reading within me and I was captivated by stories. As I encountered different art forms throughout my formative years, I began to imitate and create works of my own. I wrote screenplays, poetry, a novel and pursued other creative endeavors including theatre, music, and photography. During my college years, I started to focus heavily on my studies and spent less and less time pursuing these creative endeavors. I began to rediscover my love of creating after graduating from college and that is when I started writing again.
When our first child was a few month olds, we started reading books as part of our bedtime routine. Returning to children’s books after many years away, I was reminded of the possibilities within this creative medium to convey beauty and introduce children to the world and the many wonders within it. For the past few years, I had been dreaming up a fantasy fiction series (which I hope to one day revisit) but I hadn't given much thought to writing a book for young children. I began to dream and brainstorm ideas.
Bedtime books are one my favorite type of books for kids. As I began to think about ideas for what I would write, I gravitated towards this particular style of children’s book. One idea began to take shape. I wanted to write a gently lulling and peaceful bedtime poem to be the last words my children would hear before they fall asleep for the night. Words of beauty, truth and hope that would surround them with the peace of God and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven which is present with them at every moment; sometimes seen, sometimes unseen but always near.
Bedtime can be a time of anxiety for some children and life is full of trials, hardships and sorrows, even for children. My prayer is Goodnight, Child of God will draw our gaze to the reality Christ has united heaven and earth. God is not afar off but became man, dwelt among us and, as the Orthodox prayers says, is “everywhere present and filling all things.”
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27 NKJV
I am incredibly excited for Goodnight, Child of God to find its way into the hands and heart of children (and adults) who are dearly beloved children of God. As we draw nearer to the publication date, I am grateful for the opportunity for this dream to become a reality and humbled by the goodness of God in leading me to write this book.
3 Ways You Can Help
We need stories of hope and beauty to draw our hearts towards pure and lovely things. I am passionate about creating light-bearing works and sharing them with the world. Goodnight, Child of God is the beginning of my work as a published author, but I have other creative projects (including books) I am working on.
You can help support my work by sharing it with others. Here are some ideas for ways you can help today!
Pray for me! I am grateful for your prayers and support as I seek to rightly use the talents God has given me.
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What else would you like to know about the book? Please reach out in the comments below.
Thank you for your continued support!
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
Beautiful icons from your illustrator, excited to see the finished book!!!