If you’ve been considering purchasing a copy of my children’s book Goodnight, Child of God, you can receive 50% off today only1 through the Ancient Faith Store! Please share the deal with anyone you think might be interested in getting a copy.
Thank you for your support!
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
p.s. If you missed the announcement a few weeks ago, I launched my own Etsy store! You can check it out here: ChanceyCreative on Etsy
Details on the sale from Ancient Faith’s promotional email:
The 31 Books of March Sale event features daily specials that reset at 9:00 AM Central each morning. The daily discount is taken off the regular retail price. Sale prices will not be extended beyond that time for any reason, and multiple orders cannot be combined for shipping purposes. Online orders only. Phone, fax, email, and mail orders are not eligible for the 31 Books of March sale event. Sale is limited to paper copies only. Ebooks, audiobooks, or other formats are not eligible for discounts.