Rejoice in These Wonders
Introducing Marvelous Wonders: a semi-monthly poetry newsletter to inspire hope and ignite wonder.
Introducing Marvelous Wonders
Hi, I’m Drew. I am an Orthodox Christian poet and author of the upcoming children’s book Goodnight, Child of God published by Ancient Faith Publishing.
Marvelous Wonders is a newsletter for those seeking to:
Nurture beautiful thoughts by reading sacred poetry
Support the creation of Christ-centered art and community
Why I’ve started this newsletter
Over the past several years, I've been on a journey to rekindle my love of writing. With the support of those closest to me, I’ve decided to publish my poems and make a commitment to write more and share them with you.
The creative arts are meant to be pursued for the benefit of and in service to others within the context of a community. My hope is this newsletter will serve both of these purposes while planting a seed for future opportunities to foster the creation of life-giving art. There are many stories to tell and truths to share in a way only beauty can convey.
I pray these writings will inspire hope and wonder within you as we seek to walk together in the light of God's love.
Reflections on Wonders
All of creation and life itself are gifts lovingly sustained every moment by the power of God. The wonders of God are made manifest in creation and the heavens declare His handiwork. The majesty of the night sky, the ocean extending beyond the horizon and the mountains reaching into the heavens can all cause us to stand in awe and amazement at the grandeur of God.
“What god is great like our God? Thou art the God who workest wonders.”
Psalm 77:13-14
Even greater than these is the wonder revealed in the humility of God. This same God, incomprehensible and whose glory is unapproachable, caused the universe to marvel and pause in wonder when He descended to dwell with humanity and refashion His creation captive to death. He made Himself lower than the angels to raise us up to become like Him.
This foundational mystery and many other hidden wonders are the inspiration for my writings as I seek to meditate and reflect on two truths:
1. Beauty and the goodness of God surround us every moment
2. Heaven and earth have been united through Christ's incarnation and the whole universe is changed
Marvelous Wonders: a poem by Drew Chancey
Stand and rejoice in these marvelous wonders Death was deceived, its treasure plundered Creation remembers anew its untainted song Meek are exalted and weak are made strong The Virgin gives birth and God is enfleshed Martyrs rejoice in the Christ they confess Fishermen speak with the wisdom of scribes God's Spirit descends and in dust now abides He illumines with beauty our cavernous heart We partake of Him and in His life we take part
Thank you for reading! Please reach out by leaving a comment on this post.
Thank you, Drew. This is just what I needed to read this evening.
This is wonderful ! Thank you for sharing!