Queen of Heaven, Mother of All: A Poem
"The ethereal fabric of the universe/Rushed to cloak you with a celestial raiment"
Springtime has arrived here in Oklahoma and I am grateful for the warmer weather. I hope wherever this newsletter finds you, all is well. As Orthodox Christians, we are continuing through the season of Great Lent and approaching the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ at Pascha! May God strengthen us on our journey and fill our hearts with joy as we celebrate!
Today’s poem is a meditation on Mary, the Mother of God, and her role in the Church as both powerful intercessor and nurturing mother. This is the first “free verse” poem I have published here. For long-time readers, you’ll recall I typically stay within the limits and structure of rhyming poetry. This poem did not want to be held by the typical order of things and I am glad. I’d love to hear what you think of it!
Last but not least, today is my wife’s birthday! My wife, Brittney, is the root of every good thing in my life, as God has blessed me beyond measure through her. All of my labors and dreams would not be possible without her support. She is a lovely, meek, and caring woman who possesses great strength and immeasurable steadfastness. She is my joy and I am grateful God has given me the opportunity to share this life with her. Happy Birthday dear!
Until next time, take care and may God bless you!
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
p.s. My friend Barron Ryan has a new project There Arises Light (In the Darkness) scheduled to release this summer. You can learn more about the project and find out ways you can support the project here: There Arises Light (in the Darkness)
(As a reminder, if you are a free subscriber, you can gain access to today’s poem by upgrading your subscription for $5 per month. Thank you for your support!)