I hope the summer season has been treating you well! My family and I returned from vacation a couple of weeks ago. It was a much-needed opportunity to spend some time away from work and to roam the great outdoors together.
On our trip, we drove across a significant part of the country, in the tradition of the Great American Road Trip, and watched the world around us change as we went. I was struck by the beauty of our country as we drove. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to really love this land. Not only the beauty of the natural world but also the history and heritage within each different part of the country. I’ve started to feel more connected to it and I am grateful to call the United States my home.
Today’s poem, while not written during this trip, was inspired by the beauty found throughout North America and the wonderful gift God has given us in His creation.
Book and Event Updates
Thank you for your continued support of Goodnight, Child of God! I am exploring the possibility of a couple in-person events this fall to meet readers and share my work with more people in the Tulsa area.
Goodnight, Child of God will turn one in October and I’d love to find a way to celebrate the first anniversary of its release together. I will keep you posted as plans come together!
If you haven’t already, would you please consider leaving a review of Goodnight, Child of God on Amazon? Your feedback helps other readers find and learn more about the book. Thank you!
Lastly, I am continuing to work on a few new book ideas and seek inspiration to rework a couple of drafts I’ve completed. With God’s help, I’d love to have a solid manuscript by the end of the year.
That’s all for now! Thank you for reading. I am thankful for your support!
With gratitude,
Drew Chancey
p.s. If you missed June’s poem, available to paid subscribers, you find it here:
(As a reminder, if you are a free subscriber, you can gain access to today’s poem below by upgrading your subscription for $5 per month. Thank you for your support!)